A professional salesperson understands that any opportunity to make a sale is a gift, therefore, they never see an opportunity as a bad lead, a waste of time, a tire kicker or any other negative adjective. Each sale is approached with a positive expectation. This means that each attempt will bring a payoff if conducted in this manner. A sales person is supposed to influence and when one does, they spread their sphere of influence.

What this means is that if they try to help someone and it doesn’t produce an immediate payoff, all is not lost. Universal law will balance the scales and a reward will come from another source and another time. This is true in life as well. If you show me someone who doesn’t have money, I will assure you that they are an individual who is very slow to give.

There is one other thing to consider and that is when does giving cross the line and become self-destructive for a professional salesperson? The answer is clear. You are not supposed to be a fool. Give help until you realize that you can’t solve their problem and then stop and leave them with a positive feeling about you and the experience that you provided. You will have satisfied the law of compensation and will have made them a source of referrals for yourself. You’ll never lose by following this way of selling and you will end up wealthy. Remember that every time that you withhold you cheat yourself.

It would seem that the law of compensation has it backwards, but it doesn’t. In fact, it is spot on. This universal law has been offered for centuries and the philosopher Emerson wrote an essay about it. The modern author Napoleon Hill made it a part of his seventeen success principles. If you violate the law of compensation you will live in lack. If you are not a reckless spender and you’re still chasing your checkSellingbook; then you’re not practicing the law of compensation.

The law of compensation simply states that you must first give to receive. Every time that you withhold you cheat yourself.

There are three ways to look at this. Let’s think of it as three ways to live, work and sell. First would be to give before you expect to receive and that’s the law of compensation. The second way would be what I call the law of contract which states that I will do this for you if you do that for me. The third way is what I call the law of greed, which states that I win and you lose.

Unfortunately, there are too many salespeople’s practicing the law of greed and that’s is a main reason why the buying public has such a negative view of salespeople as a whole. National statistics say that 88% of the buying public do not trust salespeople.

The law of compensation doesn’t care what you do to make money.  There is no morality connected with this law of compensation and it needs further explained as to how we use it in professional selling to make money and enjoy a life to go along with it. That will be our next topic.

Of all of the people that I have trained over my forty plus years, about 85% of them only had an interest in one thing. This leads to a frustrating career that is either short in success or emotionally unfulfilling.

The ones that sell because they enjoy interacting with people never make enough money to justify their effort. The ones that sell only to make as much money as they can find themselves always chasing the next conquest that continues to leave them on a tread mill.


A professional sales person must understand and buy into both reasons to be successful and satisfied. First and foremost, they must put their prospects’ interest ahead of their own and help their prospects choose the best solution for them. The second reason is just as important. A salesperson is a for profit entity. They must expect to be paid if they do their job and solve their prospects’ problem. They must always remember that there is no prize for second place in a sale. You either get the sale and get paid or you don’t.

This needs clarified. If you can’t help a prospect, or if you didn’t’ help them, then you do not deserve the sale. A professional salesperson will understand this and be grateful to have had the opportunity. This leads us into our next topic.


Businesses exists for one reason, to make money. Simply put, a business makes money by impressing customers. The extent to which a business impresses its customers will determine the amount of money that it will generate. A business must depend upon its employees to impress its customers. Almost all employees do not have a clue as to how they will impress customers. If a business can truly understand human behavior, they are much more likely to grow and protect their business.

This is the number one problem facing every business and the number one opportunity to grow and protect any business.

Most employees are reasonable and well-meaning but they need training. Most businesses are reluctant to even try and develop employees. Those that do usually experience dismal results. The answer lies in what you will read below.

Platinum Edge Selling System

“Our understanding of human behavior today is as primitive as was the practice of medicine before we knew that there were germs.”

Before we had the knowledge of germs, the medical community spread disease better than the diseases were spread on their own. If you could imagine an infected person that went to the doctor and contaminated the doctor and his entire office, then the next fifty people that they treated were directly exposed to the disease. Those fifty people would infect hundreds more.  This is all because no one understood the effect of germs on the spread of disease. This is very similar to the poor understanding of human behavior that the world faces today.

Our ignorance of human behavior is having the same type of negative effect in every area of our lives, including but not limited to our health, wealth, relationships, profession, government, education, religion and especially in our businesses.

Through understanding human behavior more thoroughly, you can provide opportunities to grow and protect your business every day.

This is a strong indictment of our ignorance and in the forthcoming posts; I will prove to you that it’s true.  You will be able to validate the facts that I will present and use them to change your thinking about business and drop the opinion that people are just people and that they can’t or won’t change.

This blog will build a factual, logical and sequential body of proof that will become self-evident.  I will not sugar coat or avoid talking candidly about sensitive topics. I don’t deal in theories or opinions, therefore, every idea that I put forth will have met the standard of being factual and logical.

In the next post, you will begin to learn how to keep yourself in a position to think and to make intelligent choices about your business to advance and secure your own future. You will soon be able to validate the problem as I stated it and start affecting the solution.

Check out our website or contact us today to learn more.