A professional salesperson understands that any opportunity to make a sale is a gift, therefore, they never see an opportunity as a bad lead, a waste of time, a tire kicker or any other negative adjective. Each sale is approached with a positive expectation. This means that each attempt will bring a payoff if conducted in this manner. A sales person is supposed to influence and when one does, they spread their sphere of influence.

What this means is that if they try to help someone and it doesn’t produce an immediate payoff, all is not lost. Universal law will balance the scales and a reward will come from another source and another time. This is true in life as well. If you show me someone who doesn’t have money, I will assure you that they are an individual who is very slow to give.

There is one other thing to consider and that is when does giving cross the line and become self-destructive for a professional salesperson? The answer is clear. You are not supposed to be a fool. Give help until you realize that you can’t solve their problem and then stop and leave them with a positive feeling about you and the experience that you provided. You will have satisfied the law of compensation and will have made them a source of referrals for yourself. You’ll never lose by following this way of selling and you will end up wealthy. Remember that every time that you withhold you cheat yourself.